Friday, December 12, 2014

Day 3 Overview: The Fitness Assesment

Obviously, this isn't Day 3 of my 1000-Day-Challenge, it's Day 9. These updates will not be daily, as life (and all the exercise!) gets in the way. However, I do need to include a Day 3 post because it was important: Day 3 is the Fitness Assessment.

You can do this in different ways, depending on your time, exercise philosophy and what your goal is. Me, I started simple: weight, waist measurement, and my current baseline in a few key exercise areas.

I wasn't expecting great numbers, but I have to admit that I was disappointed with my performance:

Weight: 269.9 lbs – Not surprised. It's actually down from my all-time high of 284.4, so I'll take it.

Waist: 51.5 inches – Again, not surprised, and down from my largest.

Push-ups: 11 – Yep, that's all I managed. My upper body strength is not impressive.

Sit-ups: 8 – Even worse! My six-pack isn't even a keg, it's a water bag.

Inclined pull-up: 16 – This is where your feet are on the ground and your body is at about a 45° angle. I have now idea you good sixteen is, but seeing as how I can't do even one regular pull-up I'm assuming it isn't that good.

Walking: I measured this a little differently. I discovered I'm able to walk for 20 minutes in normal terrain before the first signs of fatigue and a full hour before getting too tired to really continue without hurting myself. Again, not great.

Let's remember, however, that this was an assessment, not a judgment. The point was not to pull great numbers, but to know where I'm starting from. The way I see it, starting so low just means that reaching my goal will be that much more impressive.

Next post: My first week of exercise (Days 3-9) and how it went. See you then!


  1. Ray,
    You're braver than I am posting your progress.
    I too am getting back on the trail. At worst we can commiserate on the joy of exercise together.
    Anyway, a site I find useful is - illustrated body weight workouts. Most, if not all, with a nerdy theme. And some of them very good for us with sedentary day jobs (The office, Wired, Sofa, Movie Night, FIFA, TV, Stairs).
    Hope it helps, and its good to see you stirring around.

  2. So proud of you. I see you walking lots. Keep up the good work. Love you.
